I Name, seat and purpose
Art. 1
An association exists under the name "Schweizerische Akademische Gesellschaft für Umweltforschung und Ökologie (saguf)" (Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology) within the meaning of Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code.
saguf is a professional association of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW); it recognizes their statutes.
Art. 2
The registered office of saguf is located at the place of business.
Art. 3
The purpose of saguf is the promotion and coordination of scientific environmental research and ecology in all its sub-areas and in the overall field of all four academies.
saguf organises seminars, colloquia, lectures etc. in the field of environmental research and promotes the exchange of scientific ideas among its members as well as communication between science and the public.
The members of saguf endeavour to advise each other, provide practical assistance and promote their research activities.
saguf promotes the publication of scientific results and information from the entire field of environmental research and is a co-sponsor of the journal GAIA - Ökologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
saguf cooperates with environmental research bodies at home and abroad.
II Membership
Art. 4
saguf knows active members and patrons.
Active members can be:
a) individuals who are active in the field of environmental research and ecology in the broader sense.
b) collective members, i.e. legal entities (e.g. societies, foundations, companies), scientific institutes and public offices that are actively involved in environmental research and ecology in the broader sense.
Individuals or legal entities as well as public institutions and offices who wish to support the activities of saguf can become patrons.
Art. 5
The executive board decides on the admission of new members. Registration for membership and declaration of resignation must be made in writing.
In the case of new entries after 1 July of the calendar year, a reduction on the annual fee will be granted. Withdrawal from the saguf is only possible at the end of the calendar year.
III Financing
Art. 6
The income of saguf consists of
a) the annual contributions of its members,
b) subsidies from the public sector and subsidies from SCNAT / SAGW,
c) patron contributions, gifts and legacies,
d) the proceeds from the sale of publications,
e) entrance fees to events,
f) interest on capital.
IV Organs
Art. 7
The organs of saguf are:
a) the general assembly,
b) the executive board,
c) the committee with the office,
d) the control authority,
e) the advisory board.
Art. 8
The general assembly shall take place at least once a year. The invitation will be issued at least four weeks in advance and the appropriate documents will be sent. The general assembly is responsible for
a) the election of the president rsp. of the president and the other members of the board for four years,
b) the election of the members of the control authority for four years,
c) the approval of the annual reports and the annual accounts,
d) the approval of the budget and the membership fee,
e) the amendment of the statutes,
f) the dissolution of the association.
The general meeting has the right to propose persons for the advisory board.
Art. 9
Each active member (individual and collective) has one vote in the general assembly.
However, collective members may participate in the deliberations of the general assembly with several representatives.
Extraordinary general assembly shall be convened by the executive board as required or when one fifth of the active members so request.
The resolutions of the general assembly are passed by a simple majority of the members present.
Art. 10
The executive board consists of the president rsp. the president and a minimum of 9, a maximum of 19 other members.
The executive board is responsible for
a) its constitution as well as that of the committee with the secretariat,
b) the suggestion and approval of permanent departments and working groups,
c) the election of the members of the advisory board for four years,
d) the preparation of the general assembly and the implementation of its resolutions,
e) the preparation of the annual work programme and the budget,
f) the handling of applications and approval of the activity programmes of the committee with the secretariat, the departments and the working groups
g) the determination of topics and authors of the saguf reports in GAIA,
h) the planning and implementation of further measures in the sense of the purpose of the saguf.
Art. 11
The committee shall consist of the president rsp. the president, an actuary, a quaestor and two to three other members of the Board. The committee is responsible for
a) representing saguf externally,
b) implementing the resolutions of the executive board,
c) preparing the annual report and financial statements,
d) preparing the executive board meetings with information for discussion and motions,
e) internal communication between the executive board and the committee.
Art. 12
The control authority shall consist of two auditors. The control authority shall examine the annual accounts and submit a report and proposal to the general meeting.
Art. 13
The advisory board shall support the executive board in its duties. It consists of personalities from science and practice, who extend and supplement the competence spectrum of saguf.
V Signatory authority and liability
Art. 14
Two members of the committee are collectively authorised to sign for the external representation of saguf, namely the president rsp. the president and another member.
In case of absence, the president may delegate the authority to sign to another member of the committee.
Only the association's assets are liable for saguf's liabilities.
VI Financial year
Art. 15
The business year of saguf coincides with the calendar year.
VII Amendments to the statutes of the association and dissolution
Art. 16
No qualified majority is required for amendments to the statutes of the association. The dissolution of saguf, on the other hand, requires the approval of at least two thirds of all active members.
The general assembly shall decide on the use of the association's assets in the event of dissolution with the approval of at least two thirds of all members.
The present statutes were unanimously approved by the general meeting on 28 November 2012. They replace the Statutes of 7 November 1995, 2 October 1992, 18 November 1983 and the Articles of Incorporation of 9 June 1972.
The President: Max Bergman
The Actuary: Olivier Ejderyan