Membro della SCNAT

La saguf è una società specifica che s’impegna per la promozione della ricerca dell’ambiente e della sostenibilità in Svizzera. Si occupa della ricerca interdisciplinare orientata alla pratica e alle soluzioni.di più

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Who are our members?

saguf members are:

  • Scientists who are involved in environmental and sustainability research in public and private research institutions;
  • people from practice (consulting, education, administration, politics, economics) who are active in the field of environmental research and ecology;
  • students of all faculties who are interested in environmental issues.

saguf offers its members:

  • Networking of people from research and practice with an interest in environmental research and sustainable development;
  • discussions on content in working groups and the executive board as well as at conferences and workshops;
  • institutional support of concerns, interests and project ideas in connection with environmental research and sustainable development;
  • subscription of the journal GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society at a reduced price.

Registration Membership

Would you like to become a member of saguf? Please complete the membership application form below.

The costs and membership categories for saguf memberships were adjusted by the Executive Board in November 2022 and approved at the General Assembly on 2 December 2022:

Individual memberSFr. 70.-
Individual member with GAIA subscriptionSFr. 170.-
StudentSFr. 20,-
Student with GAIA subscriptionSFr. 110.-
Doctoral students/career starters/job seekersSFr. 50.-
Doctoral students/career starters/job seekers with GAIA subscriptionSFr. 150,-
Institutional member (only with GAIA subscription)SFr. 250.-

By completing this declaration of membership, saguf receives personal data that is directly related to the purpose of the association as defined in the Articles of Association. saguf is liable for the legally compliant use of member data in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Act and the recommendations of the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

Personal Information

Data protection

Implementation of the new Data Protection Act, in force since 1.9.2023.

The disclosure of member data (e.g. provision of the membership list with addresses and telephone numbers) to other members is only permitted if the prior consent of each individual member has been obtained and the purpose for which the disclosed data will be used is clearly defined (e.g. to contact each other; for association activities, but not for customer acquisition).

It is useful for saguf's activities, in particular for the strategic thrusts to strengthen partnerships and broaden the membership base, if personal data - name, institution/organisation, e-mail - can be shared.

I agree that my following personal data may be shared with other saguf members: Name, institution/organisation, e-mail

Art. 5 of the Articles of Association:

Membership is acquired through a declaration of membership. The Executive Board may reject an application for membership without giving reasons. With the declaration of membership, the applicant declares his/her agreement with the statutes of saguf and undertakes to pay the selected membership fee. For new members joining after 1 July of the calendar year, a reduction on the annual membership fee may be granted. Upon individual request, the Executive Board may temporarily grant reduced membership fees for persons in special situations. Membership fees can be increased at the member's discretion.

Resignation from saguf is only possible at the end of the calendar year and must be notified in writing to the office