Membre de la SCNAT

La saguf intervient en faveur de la promotion de la recherche environnementale et sur le développement durable en Suisse. Elle s'engage pour une recherche inter- et transdisciplinaire orientée vers la pratique et la recherche de solutions.en plus

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Applying the Environmental Humanities: Ten steps for action and implementation

There is a growing perception in society and among decision makers that addressing environmental problems requires fundamentally new approaches. This report is based upon a survey of practitioners who work in the field of Environmental Humanities and summarizes ten steps for action and implementation.

Report Applying EH cover

The report Applying the Environmental Humanities: Ten steps for action and implementation is available only in English. There is a separate summary in English and German.

Download Summary/Zusammenfassung

Pages : 49

Source: Kueffer, C., Thelen Lässer, K., Hall, M., 2017: Applying the Environmental Humanities: Ten steps for action and implementation. Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology, Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bern. 49 pp.
