Saguf Annual Conference 2021: Horizon Europe as a Role Model for Funding Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research?
Prospects and Limitations
This year’s saguf Annual Conference will take place in the context of the International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2021 (ITD21). As part of a series of keynotes and panel discussions, the saguf Annual Conference starts from the following question defined by the organizers of the ITD21: “What are the implications, challenges and responsibilities for the growing prominence of transdisciplinarity in Horizon Europe?”

Thematic Background
The European Green Deal (EGD) is the new long-term growth strategy presented by the EU Commission in 2019 to transform the EU into a more equitable and prosperous society with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. Key objectives of the plan, which consists of various policy packages, include net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; the decoupling of economic growth from resource use; and the protection of health from environmental risks. An important role in achieving the EGD is attributed to science. Especially under the new research framework programme “Horizon Europe” with a budget of €95.5 billion, problem-oriented research is to support and enable the social transformation the EGD envisions. The mission-oriented funding scheme offers vast opportunities for transdisciplinary research. Similar research has far less funding opportunities in Switzerland and elsewhere. This currently becomes visible in the difficult endeavour securing adequate funding for the research agenda on sustainable development developed last year by the Swiss Academies.
Goal and Questions
Taking this contrast as starting point, the goal of the saguf Annual Conference 2021 is to examine the extent to which Horizon Europe may serve as a role model in terms of funding transdisciplinary sustainability research. To this end, experts will discuss the orientation and ambition of Horizon Europe with regard to transdisciplinary sustainability research. Particular attention will be given to the funding possibilities for such research. References to other frameworks and national experiences will serve to reflect on the prospects and limitations of Horizon Europe to push transdisciplinary sustainability research.
Questions for discussion include:
- What is the meaning, role and relevance of transdisciplinary sustainability research in Horizon Europe?
- Does Horizon Europe serve as a programmatic role model for transdisciplinary sustainability research?
- What can be learned from Horizon Europe regarding funding of transdisciplinary sustainability research?
Date & Format
Thursday, 16 September, 15h30-17h00: expert panel with input statements and moderated discussion with panelists and audience
After these 90’, there is a slot for a “global online apéro” (details to be developed) of further 30’ scheduled so that there is time as well for informal exchange
saguf annual conference
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- Saguf Annual Conference 2021: Horizon Europe as a Role Model for Funding Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research?
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